Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

According to the Articles of Association of Artificial Solutions, the Board of Directors shall consist of three to seven members elected by the Annual General Meeting with a maximum of three deputies. The Board currently consists of five ordinary members, including the Chairman of the Board, without deputies, who have been elected for the period until the end of the Annual General Meeting 2025.

In the table below, information is provided about the members of the Board of Directors regarding their position, year of election and whether they are considered independent in relation to the Company and senior executives and in relation to major shareholders.

Name Position Elected on Independent in relation to the company and company management Independent in relation to major shareholders
Johan A. Gustavsson Chairman 2019 Yes Yes
Lars Roth Board member 2023 Yes Yes
Mathias Björkholm Board member 2023 Yes Yes
Inna Kaushan Board member 2024 Yes No
Sara Kullgren Board member 2024 Yes Yes

Johan A. Gustavsson, 1963

Chairman of the Board since 2024. Board member since 2019 (in Artificial Solutions Holding since 2008). Board assignments in Artificial Solutions since 2001. Co-founder of Artificial Solutions.

Education: Master of Science, Stockholm School of Economics.

Experience: Chairman and Founder of Vencom Group, Albator and Aros Bostadsutveckling, as well as board memberships related to these assignments. Earlier experiences include Chairman of Hop Lun International Ltd. and Naturkompaniet AB.

Lars Roth, 1977

Board member since 2023.

Education: Master of Science and Engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Other ongoing assignments: Chairman of Root Digital Group, as well as board memberships related to this assignment. Board member of Bright Energy. CEO of Q Industries Lars Roth AB.

Previous assignments (last 5 years) and work experience: CGO of MedHelp Care (2020-2023), board member of Zound Industries (2014-2016), board member of Soundtrack your Brand (2015-2016), different roles in Telia Company including Vice President Consumer and Vice President Innovestments (2005-2016). As a consequence of these assignments, as well as other earlier roles and assignments, Lars Roth has gained a significant experience related to scalable business models within the SaaS area.

Mathias Björkholm, 1972

Board member since 2023.

Education: Studies in Business Administration, University of Skövde, Sweden.

Experience: Pickit, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer.

Earlier assignments and experience: Active as a founder of Pickit since the start in 2013, in Stockholm, but also in Seattle during the period 2014-2020. During these years Pickit became one of the world's most downloaded applications within Microsoft's eco-system. The creation of Pickit has given Mathias Björkholm a significant experience within the area of data-driven, scalable SaaS business models, in the US and Europe.

Inna Kaushan, 1983

Board member since 2024.

Education: PhD in Economics from The National Academy of Sciences and a master's in Economic Relations from Taras Shevchenko National University.

Current assignments: Board member of Causility Group and Ultinous, where she is also responsible for corporate development and Partner at Stockhorn Capital.

Previous assignments and experience: Inna was a partner and ran Solna for many years, which worked to simplify and streamline invoicing for companies. Inna has also worked in M&A and Corporate Finance at Erste Group, KPMG and ARTA Investment Partners. Inna was also previously a senior economist at the National Bank of Ukraine, where she worked for over five years.

Sara Kullgren, 1967

Board member since 2024.

Education: Strategy and Business Development at London Business School.

Current assignments: Microsoft, Channel Sales Lead Telco Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) (2020 – now).

Experience: Channel Sales Lead for Telco Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) at Microsoft, Senior Vice President of Group Product and Services at Eniro, Head of Northern Europe at Oriflame, Managing Director for Nokia Mobile Phones and Board assignments at TV4 from 2004 to 2005, Swedish National Space Board from 2000 to 2002.

Management Teams

Per Ottosson, 1970

Chief Executive Officer since 2020.

Education: Master in Finance at Stockholm School of Economics.

Experience: Member of the board of a number of Artificial Solutions subsidiaries. 25 years of experience from senior executive positions within the software/SaaS industry, most recently as Global CRO of IPSoft/

Andreas Wieweg, 1975

Chief Technical Officer since 2010.

Education: University studies in Computer Science & Mathematics, Stockholm University.

Experience: Andreas leads Artificial Solutions’ product strategy, design and development for the company’s next generation natural language interaction platform.

Fredrik Törgren, 1976

Chief Financial Officer since 2020.

Education: Master of Business Administration, Stockholm School of Economics.

Experience: Member of the board of a number of Artificial Solutions subsidiaries. 20 years of experience from senior positions within the technology, M&A, VC and software industries, most recently as Group CFO of PE-backed Inteno Group.

Nuria Vilanova | Chief People Officer

Nuria Vilanova, 1973

Chief People Officer since 2024.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Experience: 20+ years of expertise in Accounting and Finance managing positions, most recently as Director of Finance and HR in companies in the technology and software sectors.

Marie Angselius-Schönbeck, 1970

Chief of Impact and Corporate Communications Officer since 2021.

Education: Bachelor's degree in Communications, Lund University.

Experience: 20+ years of experience from leading communication roles. Most recently as Global Head of Corporate Communication at Amelia an IPSoft company and Founding Partner at Angselius Rönn AB.


Grant Thornton Sweden AB has been the Company’s auditor since 2019; it was elected at the Extraordinary General Meeting on January 28, 2019 and was re-elected at the Annual General Meeting 2022, for the period until the end of the AGM 2023. Carl-Johan Regell (born 1963) is the chief auditor. Carl-Johan Regell is an authorized auditor and member of FAR (the industry organization for auditors in Sweden). Grant Thornton Sweden AB’s address is Kungsgatan 57, Box 7623, 103 94 Stockholm.

Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was the Company’s auditor during the period covered by the historical financial information in the Company description up to and including the Extraordinary General Meeting on January 28, 2019. The chief auditor during the period from the Annual General Meeting 2018 until the end of the Extraordinary General Meeting on January 28, 2019 was Nicklas Kullberg. The chief auditor during the period covered by the historical financial information up to and including the Annual General Meeting 2018 was Dick Svensson. Both Nicklas Kullberg and Dick Svensson are authorized auditors and members of FAR (the industry organization for auditors in Sweden).

The reason for the change of auditor was to select the same auditor for the entire Group after the Reverse Acquisition.

Certified Adviser

Redeye guide and monitor the company’s compliance on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

Redeye Certified Adviser
Phone: +46 (0)8 121 576 90

According to the Swedish Companies Act (2005: 551), the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the Company’s highest decision-making body. At the AGM, the shareholders exercise their voting rights in key issues, including the adoption of income statements and balance sheets, disposition of the Company’s results, granting discharge from liability for the Board members and the CEO, election of Board members and auditors, and remuneration to the Board and the auditors.

Artificial Solutions AGMs are held in the municipality of Stockholm every calendar year before the end of June. In addition to the AGM, extraordinary general meetings may be convened. According to the Articles of Association, a notice convening an AGM shall be made by announcement in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and by keeping the notice available on the Company’s website. At the same time, it shall be announced in Svenska Dagbladet that a notice convening the AGM has been issued.

Right to participate in a general meeting

Shareholders who wish to attend a general meeting must be included in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden six banking days before the meeting, and notify the Company of its intention to attend the general meeting no later than the date stated in the notice of the meeting. Shareholders may attend general meetings in person or by proxy and may also be assisted by a maximum of two persons. Usually it is possible for shareholders to register for the general meeting in several different ways, which are specified in the notice to the meeting. Shareholders are entitled to vote for all shares held by the shareholder in the Company.

Shareholders’ right of initiative

Shareholders who wish to have a matter dealt with at the General Meeting must send a written request to the Board. Such request should normally be submitted to the Board no later than seven weeks before the AGM.

Legislation and Articles of Association

Artificial Solutions International AB was established in Sweden and is a public limited liability company governed by Swedish law, primarily through the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551). In addition, the Company will apply the rules and recommendations associated with the listing of the Company’s share on Nasdaq First North. In addition to legislation including regulations and recommendations, the Articles of Association forms the basis for the governance of the Company’s operations. The Articles of Association states, among other things, the location of the Board’s registered office, business description, limits on share capital and the number of shares as well as requirements for attending to the General Meeting. The Articles of Association appear in its entirety in the section “Articles of Association”.


Previous Meetings

Annual General Meeting, 26 June 2018

Extraordinary General Meeting, 16 July 2018

Annual General Meeting, 11 May 2018

Extraordinary General Meeting, 30 November 2017

Extraordinary General Meeting, 24 August 2017

Annual General Meeting, 8 June 2017

Extraordinary General Meeting, 8 February 2017

Extraordinary General Meeting, 2 November 2016

Annual General Meeting, 29 June 2016

Extraordinary General Meeting, 6 May 2016

Extraordinary General Meeting, 18 December 2015

Annual General Meeting, 24 June 2015

Extraordinary General Meeting, 13 February 2014

Extraordinary General Meeting, 21 July 2022

Board Committees

The Swedish Code of Corporate Governance does not currently have to be applied by companies whose shares are listed on Nasdaq First North, and is therefore not binding on Artificial Solutions, however, it is an important part of the Company’s guidelines for corporate governance. In the cases of the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors has made the assessment that committees should be established for both.

The Remuneration Committee consists of  Lars Roth (Chairman) and Mathias Björkholm (Member).

The Audit Committee consists of Johan Gustavsson (Chairman) and Lars Roth (Member).

Nominations Committee

At the AGM on February 28, 2019, it was decided to adopt principles for the appointment of the Nomination Committee. The following principles apply to the appointment of the Nomination Committee. The Chairman of the Board was instructed to contact the three largest shareholders or the groups of owners in terms of voting rights (herewith referred to both direct registered shareholders and nominee-registered shareholders) in the Company, according to Euroclear Sweden’s transcript of the share register as of September 30, 2019, and urge them to appoint a representative each to, together with the Chairman of the Board, constitute the Nomination Committee for the time until the new nomination committee has been appointed according to the mandate from the next AGM. If one of the three largest shareholders or owner groups does not wish to appoint a representative, the fourth largest shareholder or the owner group should be asked and so on, until the Nomination Committee consists of three members and the Chairman of the Board.

Information about the names of the members of the Nomination Committee must be submitted on the Company’s website as soon as possible after the Nomination Committee has been constituted. If owners, who are represented on the Nomination Committee, no longer belong to the three largest shareholders after the announcement, their representative shall make their place available and such shareholders belonging to the three largest shareholders shall instead be offered a place in the Company’s nomination committee. However, there is no need to consider minor changes. If a member leaves the nomination committee before its work is completed and if the Nomination Committee considers that there is a need to replace this member, the Nomination Committee shall appoint a new member according to the principles above but based on Euroclear Sweden’s printing of the share register as soon as possible after the member left the Nomination Committee. Owners who have appointed a representative in the Nomination Committee have the right to dismiss such a member and appoint a new representative.

The current Nomination Committee is:

  • Åsa Hedin, Chair of the Board of Directors
  • Sven Härgestam, appointed by Arpeggio AB and Mr Härgestam’s private holdings, combined the largest shareholder in Artificial Solutions.
  • Carl Thelin, appointed by SEB-Stiftelsen, the second largest shareholder in Artificial Solutions.
  • Johan A. Gustavsson, appointed by AB Couronne and Mr. Gustavsson’s private holdings, combined the fifth largest shareholder in Artificial Solutions.

A new nomination committee for the AGM 2025 will be formed.

Internal Control and Audit

According to the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551), the Board of Directors has the overall responsibility for ensuring that the Company’s organization is designed so that the bookkeeping, the financial management and the Company’s financial conditions in general are monitored in a satisfactory manner. Artificial Solutions’ internal control structure is based on the division of responsibilities between the Board and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Regular reporting and auditing of financial outcomes takes place in both the operational units’ management bodies as well as within the board.

According to the Articles of Association of Artificial Solutions, one or two auditors with or without deputy auditors, or one or two registered auditing firms, shall be appointed by the General Meeting. The auditor and deputy auditors, if applicable, are appointed yearly at the Annual General Meeting for the period until the next Annual General Meeting has been held.

The auditor reviews the annual report of Artificial Solutions, and accounting, as well as the administration of the board and the CEO. The current auditor is presented under the ‘Auditors’ tab on this page.

Articles of Association

The following text is only available in Swedish at the moment.

För Teneo AI AB 556840-2076
Bolagsordning antagen på årsstämman den 5 Jul 2024.


Bolagets företagsnamn är Teneo AI AB. Bolaget är publikt (publ).

Bolagets styrelse ska ha sitt säte i Stockholms kommun.

Bolaget ska, direkt eller indirekt, bedriva verksamhet, för att företrädesvis utveckla och marknadsföra och försälja produkter och tjänster inom mjukvarusektorn och inom IT, samt äga och förvalta värdepapper samt bedriva därmed förenlig verksamhet.

Aktiekapitalet ska vara lägst 119 000 000 kronor och högst 476 000 000 kronor.

Antalet aktier ska vara lägst 150 000 000 och högst 600 000 000.

Styrelsen ska bestå av lägst tre (3) och högst sju (7) ledamöter med högst tre (3) suppleanter.

För granskning av bolagets årsredovisning jämte räkenskaperna samt styrelsens och verkställande direktörens förvaltning utses en (1) till två (2) revisorer med eller utan revisorssuppleanter eller ett (1) eller två (2) registrerade revisionsbolag.

Kallelse till bolagsstämma ska ske genom annonsering i Post och Inrikes Tidningar samt genom att kallelsen hålls tillgänglig på bolagets webbplats. Att kallelse har skett ska annonseras i Svenska Dagbladet. Aktieägare som vill delta i en bolagsstämma ska dels vara upptagen i utskrift eller annan framställning av hela aktieboken på sätt som föreskrivs i aktiebolagslagen, dels göra anmälan till bolaget senast den dag som anges i kallelsen till bolagsstämman. Sistnämnda dag får inte vara en söndag, annan allmän helgdag, lördag, midsommarafton, julafton eller nyårsafton och får inte infalla tidigare än femte vardagen före bolagsstämman. Kallelse till årsstämma samt kallelse till extra bolagsstämma där fråga om ändring av bolagsordningen kommer att behandlas ska ske tidigast sex veckor och senast fyra veckor före stämman. Kallelse till annan extra bolagsstämma ska utfärdas tidigast sex veckor och senast två veckor före stämman.

På årsstämma ska följande ärenden förekomma till behandling:

  1. val av ordförande för stämman;
  2. upprättande och godkännande av röstlängd;
  3. val av en eller två justeringsmän;
  4. prövning av om stämman blivit behörigen sammankallad;
  5. godkännande av dagordning;
  6. framläggande av årsredovisning samt revisionsberättelse, koncernredovisning och koncernrevisionsberättelse;
  7. beslut
    a) om fastställande av resultat- och balansräkning samt i förekommande fall koncernresultat- och balansräkning;

    b) om dispositioner beträffande bolagets vinst eller förlust enligt den fastställda balansräkningen;

    c) om ansvarsfrihet åt styrelseledamöter och verkställande direktör när sådan förekommer;

  8. bestämmande av antalet styrelseledamöter och styrelsesuppleanter samt, i förekommande fall, antalet revisorer och revisorssuppleanter, alternativt registrerade revisionsbolag.
  9. fastställande av arvode åt styrelsen samt revisorer;
  10. val av styrelse, styrelseordförande och val av revisorer samt eventuella suppleanter;
  11. fastställande av princip för val av valberedning; och
  12. annat ärende som ankommer på stämman enligt aktiebolagslagen eller bolagsordningen.


Bolagets räkenskapsår ska vara 1/1–31/12.


Bolagets aktier ska vara registrerade i ett avstämningsregister enligt lagen (1998:1479) om värdepapperscentraler och kontoföring av finansiella instrument.


Styrelsen får inför en bolagsstämma besluta att aktieägare ska kunna utöva sin poströst per post före bolagsstämman.

Swedish Code of Corporate Governance

The Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the “Code”) shall be applied by companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market. The code does not currently have to be applied by companies whose shares are listed on Nasdaq First North. It is therefore not binding on Artificial Solutions, but is an important part of the Company’s guidelines for corporate governance. If the Code becomes binding for Artificial Solutions, the Company will apply it.